100 years anniversary of Eastwoodhill – centennial celebrations throughout the year.
Danny Fraser was appointed as the fourth Curator of Eastwoodhill.
Ben Lyte was appointed as the fifth Curator of Eastwoodhill.
New children’s playground was built at Eastwoodhill.
Xanthe White was appointed as Garden Advisor for the ongoing planning of the Homestead Garden.
Dan Haliday was appointed as the sixth Curator of Eastwoodhill.
New Tree Cathedral planted in Little Flat.
A new ramp was built for the children’s playground.
New Rotary Driveway was created.
A new greenhouse/propagation shed was built, funded by Sir John Logan Campbell Residuary Trust.
Introduction of new style Lutyens Seats in Homestead Garden.
Hi-vis binoculars installed at Hi Point Lookout – funded by Tennyson Charitable Trust.
December – Dan Haliday left as Curator.
March – Sundial updated and replaced in original position.
August – Bob Berry creator of Hackfalls Arboretum dies at 102.
November – New car park gabion baskets filled with different timbers completed and new plantings on the bank.
May – Martin Weaver appointed as seventh Curator of Eastwoodhill
August – Eastwoodhill bus trip to Gibbs Sculpture Farm
September -MOU signed between Eastwoodhill and National Arboretum Canberra – attended by Jane Williams, Marion Nicholas, and Martin Weaver.
November – MOU signed between NZ Arb – attended by Martin Weaver and Jane Williams in Napier.
December – Large bequest from Est Les McGreevy.
Lady Anne Berry dies at 99.