The Brown Walk
Estimated time: 1h
Distance: 2.3km (extended walk 3km)
Grade: Easy to moderate
The Brown Walk combines the coniferous plantings of Orchard Hill and the Pinetum. It also works its way through the deciduous plantings of Douglas Park and Glen Douglas before taking in The Circus and returning you to the Visitor Centre.

The Green Walk
Estimated time: 3h
Distance: 5.1km
Grade: Moderate to steep in places
The Green Walk encompasses much of the arboretum, taking you through both the open and forested areas of the arboretum. It rises from the lowest part of the arboretum to the highest. A walk for the true tree connoisseur or an adventurer with half a day to spare.

The Purple Walk
Estimated time: 1h
Distance: 3km (extended walk 4.8km)
Grade: Moderate (extended walk steep)
The Purple Walk skirts along some of the higher ridges around the arboretum with great views across Douglas Park and Glen Douglas. Starting at the Visitor’s Centre, this walk follows the purple markers around Douglas Park, over to Mexico Way and up the lookout track. After taking in the view over the arboretum the path winds down Burma Road to Cabin Park, along Brookside, and then returns back to the Visitor’s Centre.

The Yellow Walk
Estimated time: 1h
Distance: 2 km (extended walk 3.8km)
Grade: Easy (extended walk steep)
The Yellow Walk is designed to see most of the park without too much climbing. The extended Yellow Walk turns off at Basinhead and zigzags its way up to Arataitai, the highest point in the park, for some glorious views over the arboretum and surrounding countryside.

The Red Walk
Estimated time: 45min
Distance: 1.7km
Grade: Easy
The Red Walk is our native tree walk, combining the early native tree plantings of Douglas Cook in Yunnan Court and later plantings in the Native Reserve, before returning to the Visitor Centre through the large conifers and oaks in Cabin Park.

The Blue Walk
Estimated time: 45min
Distance: 2km
Grade: Easy
The Blue Walk is one of the flattest, easiest walks. It meanders through both the tall conifers of Cabin Park and the deciduous trees of The Circus, Corner Park and Pear Park.