Jane Williams
Favourite tree :Tulip Tree (liriodendron)
Favourite space :Arriving at EWH carpark and hearing kids laughing in the playground.
Married to Jeremy, with three children, Rosie (35), Julia (34) and Kenny (32). We have lived most of our married life at Matahiia Station near Ruatoria.
I am a registered nurse and I continued to work at various clinics on the East Coast and also at Ngāti Porou Hauora until about ten years ago.
I was involved at the trustee level with Kohanga Reo, and school boards both primary (East Coast) and secondary (Hawke’s Bay) and on a government-funded group to improve educational outcomes on the East Coast, Whaia Te Iti Kahurangi.
Ten years ago, we sold our farm and now live in Gisborne.
I have just completed 9 years as a community representative for Tairawhiti District Health Board’s Hospital Advisory Committee. I am Chair and volunteer for Hospice Tairawhiti. Trustee for Eastland Helicopter Rescue Trust.
I am currently Chair of Eastwoodhill, Te Mara Rakanui o Aotearoa and am constantly in awe of what our Arboretum represents to us in NZ and overseas.